IEEE LDRP-ITR Student Joins IEEE IC Student Coordination Team'24

IEEE LDRP-ITR Student Joins IEEE IC Student Coordination Team'24

Each year, IEEE India Council SAC & SCT organises various events, workshops and symposium to guide its student members in the right direction by making them aware of the trending and demanding technologies. IEEE India Council SCT holds the responsibilities to anchor the prestigious AISYWLC.

LDRP-ITR proud to announce that Harsh Dodiya, a distinguished member of the IEEE LDRP-ITR Student Branch, has been selected to join the esteemed IEEE India Council Student Coordination Team 2024.

Harsh will collaborate with 52 exceptional students from 25 sections across India as part of the Chapter & Affinity Group Coordination Team. This prestigious role underscores our branch's commitment to excellence and marks a significant milestone in our ongoing contribution to the IEEE community.